volumului bilingv de versuri "Nomadosofia / Nomadosophy" - MARGENTO, la
Casa de Editura Max Blecher. Prezinta Iulia Militaru si Felix Nicolau. Grafica: Ana Toma. Pictura coperta 1: Grigore Negrescu.
Poetry performance: Chris Tanasescu
Poetry performance: Chris Tanasescu
25 noiembrie 2012, ora 14:30
Targul de carte Gaudeamus
Editura Herg Benet & Casa de Editura Max Blecher
standul 347B
nivelul 7.70 (ultimul nivel, lângă spațiul central de evenimente)
standul 347B
nivelul 7.70 (ultimul nivel, lângă spațiul central de evenimente)
Book launch: bilingual poetry collection - Nomadosofia / Nomadosophy by MARGENTO, from Max Blecher Publishers. Speakers: Iulia Militaru & Felix Nicolau. Designed by Ana Toma. Front cover painting: Grigore Negrescu.
Poetry performance: Chris Tanasescu
Book launch: bilingual poetry collection - Nomadosofia / Nomadosophy by MARGENTO, from Max Blecher Publishers. Speakers: Iulia Militaru & Felix Nicolau. Designed by Ana Toma. Front cover painting: Grigore Negrescu.
Poetry performance: Chris Tanasescu
November 25, 2012, 2:30 pm
Gaudeamus Bookfair
Herg Benet & Max Blecher Publishers
stand 347B
level 7.70 (top floor, next to the main event area)