Mar 23, 2013


Romania is the guest of honor at the 2013 Paris Book Fair

Pour sa 33ème édition, le Salon du livre met à l’honneur les lettres roumaines. En 2013, les visiteurs du Salon viendront à la rencontre d’une belle sélection de 27 auteurs roumains dont une dizaine de romanciers découverts en 2012 par...

Mar 11, 2013


MARGENTO "Nomadosofia / Nomadosophy" world-tour performances to be presented in the Emergency Index 2012 by US publisher Ugly Duckling Presse;

The line-up includes Jerome Rothenberg (for the performances in the US and S-E Asia), Costin Dumitrache, Valentin Baicu, and Grigore Negrescu (for the performances in Bucharest, Paris and London), Felix Nicolau, Claudiu Komartin, Iulia Militaru, Anca Bucur, Raluca Tanasescu, Cristina Budar, Sergiu Nisioi, Marina Gingirof of ABiS (for the performances in Bucharest), Alec Schachner and Nguyen Tien Van (for the performance in Saigon), and Chris Tanasescu for all of the above. 

Mar 7, 2013


ROSENCRANS BALDWIN reviews the amazing book for NPR:

You don't read poetry. That's fine. Nobody does anymore. I'm not going to make you feel bad about that. But if there is one book I've pressed on more people in the past decade, it is Anne Carson's Autobiography of Red. And I'm here to tell you its sequel has just been published, and that it's pretty much the biggest event of the year.

Autobiography of Red was a novel written in verse, a crossbreed of... MORE HERE !!!!!!

Mar 1, 2013


                                                                                                                                C.P. Cavafy (Cavafy archive)

Randall Couch interviews Murat Nemet-Nejat and George Economou on Cavafy's poetry and poetics for JACKET2. Economou has completed a Cavafy Collected Plus due out from Shearsman this spring.

Couch: Cavafy spent seven years, from age nine to sixteen, in England, wrote his first verses in English and reportedly spoke Greek with an English accent until he died. He had a substantial familiarity with the English poetic tradition. He was employed most of his adult life in the Anglo-Egyptian bureaucracy of the Ministry of Public Works. Apart from (or including, if you like) the thematics of imperialism, colonialism, and exile in many of the poems, do you have any thoughts on the effect of linguistic and cultural “double vision” on his poetry? Might it have an effect on the translatability of the poems into English?

Nemet-Nejat: In relation to this issue I think the most revealing writer to compare Cavafy to is Jabès. Jabès, who is also basically a Levantine writer/poet, chose to identify himself with the centrality of the French culture, leaving behind, essentially erasing, the Arabic culture in which he lived for forty years. Cavafy identified himself with his Levantine world (writing in Greek) and, what is crucial, took a confrontational stance (that of a “minor poet”) in relation to the cultural center. My essay "Questions of Accent," first published in The Exquisite Corpse in 1993, starts with a critique of Jabès as a Jewish Levantine writer. When first published, it caused a great deal of controversy.

The center of Cavafy's poetry, at least to me, is an erotically infused psychic isolation, the almost ecstatic melancholy of itinerant aloneness. Modern Turkish poetry also registers the victim’s, the outsider’s point of view though, because of its more directly Sufi connections, the ecstatic side of this melancholy—an ecstasy achieved through tears and suffering—has a more prominent place. (Gayness also, its gradual coming to the surface—is key to the reading of modern Turkish poetry.) MORE HERE!!!!!!
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