Apr 30, 2013

Jerome Rothenberg - Mistici, hoti si nebuni (Casa de editura Max Blecher)

Jerome Rothenberg este poet, traducător și antologator. Influența eforturilor sale în aceste domenii este imposibil de cuantificat, însă cu siguranță este covârșitoare și contribuie la modelarea felului în care poeții au gândit și au scris despre cultură, mituri, identitate și  performance în ultimii cincizeci de ani. 

Jerome Rothenberg este unul dintre poeții americani cu adevărat contemporani, un poet care a readus literatura Statelor Unite în sânul literaturii mondiale moderne mainstream. În același timp, el este un autohton adevărat. El nu s-ar fi putut naște decât din aici și acum. Niciunul dintre poeții de azi nu au explorat mai în amănunțime rădăcinile poeziei.” (Kenneth Rexroth)

Jerome Rothenberg - "Mistici, hoți și nebuni" este o selecție de poeme și texte teoretice din cele mai reprezentative volume ale autorului, traduse în limba română și adnotate de Raluca Tanasescu și Chris Tanasescu (MARGENTO). Volumul va apărea la Casa de Editură Max Blecher la sfârșitul lunii mai și va fi lansat printr-o serie de lecturi la Târgul de carte Bookfest, Ambasada SUA/Comisia Fulbright, Teatrul Evreiesc de Stat si Tramvaiul Douășase (un eveniment la care ni se va alatura si Sebastian Reichmann).

Venirea autorului în România a fost posibilă cu sprijinul Ambasadei Statelor Unite ale Americii la Bucuresti, Centrului Comunitar Evreiesc și Fundației MARGENTO.

Apr 17, 2013


A wonderful Romanian-American project put together by David Baker (with contributions by over a dozen other Romanian and American poets and translators, a special MARGENTO line-up included) now available on KENYON REVIEW ONLINE after its release on print a few months ago from Aureole Press at the University of Toledo. A unique concept book with a unique layout.

Hunger to Hunger:
Hungry / Foame
An Introduction

David Baker
N.B. We are pleased to be digitally republishing this chapbook (seen in photos below) with the permission of the publisher, authors, and translators. Hunger to Hunger was originally published in August 2012 by Aureole Press at the University of Toledo in a limited edition of 75 copies. It was printed on a Vandercook Simple Precision-15 press and features a unique multi-signature, tri-fold design, Mohawk Superfine papers, and Tiziano wrap-around covers. To purchase a fine press edition and learn more about Aureole Press, click here. –The Editors

An Introduction

for Chris, who opened the door
Poems don’t begin. Poems continue.
A poet may sit with pen and paper, or a blue-faced computer screen, and write that first word, but spinning in the poet’s head is a symphony of sounds and impulses, and preceding that first textual mark is a whole history of previous uses of that “first” word.
There are words before the first word. There are vast libraries before that first word.
Where does a poem begin? Each poem commences, has already commenced, in previous poems, just as it commences in a poet’s... MORE HERE !!!!!!

Apr 9, 2013

ASYMPTOTE Indiegogo Fundraiser

After being nominated for Magazine of the Year by 3:am, alongside The Times Literary Supplement, and pulling off a global launch--8 events in 7 countries--to celebrate our 2nd anniversary, just this January,

and more recently, after having added 10 new editors-at-large from Argentina to Kenya to Central Asia to extend its network even more, and so that it can bring even more diverse work to English readers,

and--case in point: we’ll be publishing our first work from Hong Kong, Indonesia, Latvia, Cyprus apart from an Africa Feature in our upcoming issue (slated for release in just one more week!)

ASYMPTOTE is launching a Indiegogo Fundraising campaign fro supporting its wonderful projects.

Here is a note on the e-zine and the campaign from 

 What We Do
Asymptote is a free online journal dedicated to bringing together the best in contemporary literature. Our mission is simple: to unlock the literary treasures of the world. To date, we‘ve published authors working in 54 languages. Coming from 75 different countries, many of these writers are already familiar to (and well loved by) English readers: Haruki Murakami, Ruth Padel, Lydia Davis and 3 Nobel Prize winners (Imre Kertész, Czeslaw Milosz and José Saramago).

But many names may not be so familiar: Abdellah Taïa (although he won the 2010 Prix de Flore), Jonas Hassen Khemiri (Obie Award, 2011), or Toh EnJoe (Akutagawa Prize, 2012), whose award-winning novel is excerpted for the first time in English in our January 2013 issue.

We take our mission of introducing these amazing writers to readers so seriously that, apart from hosting work in all the usual genres (including visual art and drama), we even have a special section for essays in which overlooked non-English writers are concisely... MORE HERE!!!

Apr 3, 2013

MARJORIE WELISH Symposium at Université Paris Est

On Thursday 11 April and Friday 12 April, we will be hosting a 2 day symposium on Marjorie Welish’s work at Université Paris Est Marne-La-Vallée, bâtiment Copernic, 3rd floor, room 15 (April 11) and room 6/8 (April 12). How to get there? See here.

We will be meeting in the morning of April 11th at 10 am to prepare our sessions with Marjorie Welish. Marjorie Welish will be joining us at 2 pm on the 11th. She will also be with us all day on the 12th.

On Thursday 11 April at 7:30 pm, Marjorie Welish and Jacques Roubaud will give a poetry reading at galerie éof, 15 rue Saint Fiacre, Paris.

So far, we’ve tried to focus on the writer’s own (creative and critical) work on... MORE HERE
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