Dec 17, 2012

Nomadosphy - MARGENTO Launch @ Bucharest Slam

Friday December 21, 8 p.m., @ Club A, Old Town Bucharest; co-organized by Slam Poetry Bucharest and Casa de Editura Max Blecher :

Dec 9, 2012


Two poetry collections from Casa de Editura Max Blecher
Poster © Ana Toma

Nov 20, 2012

MARGENTO Book Launch - Nomadosophy / Nomadosofia de MARGENTO - @Casa de Editura Max Blecher

Lansarea volumului bilingv de versuri "Nomadosofia / Nomadosophy" - MARGENTO, la Casa de Editura Max Blecher. Prezinta Iulia Militaru si Felix Nicolau. Grafica: Ana Toma. Pictura coperta 1: Grigore Negrescu.

Poetry performance: Chris Tanasescu

25 noiembrie 2012, ora 14:30

Targul de carte Gaudeamus
Editura Herg Benet & Casa de Editura Max Blecher
standul 347B
nivelul 7.70 (ultimul nivel, lângă spațiul central de evenimente)
Book launch: bilingual poetry collection - Nomadosofia / Nomadosophy by MARGENTO, from Max Blecher Publishers. Speakers: Iulia Militaru & Felix Nicolau. Designed by Ana Toma. Front cover painting: Grigore Negrescu.

Poetry performance: Chris Tanasescu

November 25, 2012, 2:30 pm

Gaudeamus Bookfair
Herg Benet & Max Blecher Publishers
stand 347B
level 7.70 (top floor, next to the main event area)

Oct 21, 2012

A video poem by MARGENTO: from Europe. A Gypsy Epithalamium

A video poem by MARGENTO: from Europe. A Gypsy Epithalamium

[Music written and played by Costin Dumitrache and Valentin Baicu
Action Painting: Grigore Negrescu
Vocals: Chris Tanasescu
Video Directing, Editing, and Montage: Costin Dumitrache
Shot on the Rooftop of the Romanian Peasant Museum, Bucharest]


Asymptote is thrilled to have published the text (Romanian and English translation) of this excerpt in our most recent issue, which you can read here. Here’s a snippet:
I never felt more at home in this world.
Hey, what’s got into you to make you say that? I think
I heard it, but in fact I misheard something
said in the night, in Hungarian…
or maybe it’s the walls’ music in the dark.

Oct 15, 2012

MARGENTO Poem & Song on ASYMPTOTE, October issue

Our special feature on English-language poetry considers language itself to be a strange place—uncanny, full of striking familiarities, as concerned with revival as it is with decay. Here we present new work from poets around the world, including Cole Swensen, Ruth Padel and Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingdé. The tension between these English-language poets and the translated poets in our issue is wonderfully keen: as Afzal Syed Ahmed writes, "In your language every line begins from an opposite end." So where indeed does language begin? The question lingers as one reads Lutz Seiler, Eduardo Milàn, Arseny Tarkovsky, and so on. In the case of MARGENTO, language is music, and interrogated as such in the extraordinary recording that accompanies the poem.READ MORE here.

Oct 9, 2012

Romanian Multimedia Poem Selected for Lars von Trier's Gesamt Project

Cristina Florentina Budar, Iulia Militaru, Anca Bucur, Sergiu Nisioi

from AGENTIA DE CARTE web-zine

„Imagini din ziua a opta” – o creaţie românească, selectată în proiectul „Gesamt”, al lui Lars von Trier

“Imagini din ziua a opta” este un film de Cristina Florentina Budar, care a fost selectat pentru a fi inclus în proiectul „Gesamt”, propus de regizorul Lars von Trier, ca parte a Festivalului de Artă de la Copenhaga. “Imagini din ziua a opta” are la bază un poem scris de Iulia Militaru şi Anca Bucur, iar coloana sonoră este realizată de Sergiu Nisioi. De altfel, în luna noiembrie 2012, va fi lansată şi cartea semnată de Iulia Militaru şi Anca Bucur, care conţine întregul poem al celor două autoare, la Casa de Editură Max Blecher, grafica fiind realizată tot de Cristina Florentina Budar.
Lars von Trier a lansat o „invitaţie deschisă oamenilor de pe întregul glob”, pentru a fi parte a proiectului „Gesamt”, care va avea premiera pe 12 octombrie, la  Kunsthal Charlottenborg, în cadrul Festivalul de Artă de la Copenhaga.
Cei interesaţi să fie parte a proiectului lui von Trier şi-au putut trimite materialele, începând cu data de 6 august, până pe 6 septembrie.
Organizatorii Festivalului de Artă de la Copenhaga au evidenţiat faptul că nu abilităţile tehnice sunt prioritare, ci originalitatea şi entuziasmul artiştilor.
Cristina Florentina Budar a urmat cursurile Facultăţii de Arte Decorative şi Design, din cadrul Universităţii Naţionale de Arte,  secţia de Ceramică Sticlă Metal, profil Ceramică. În 2010, a primit Premiul Universităţii Naţionale de Arte din Bucureşti, pentru lucrarea Forme organice în ceramică.

Oct 5, 2012

Komartin New and Selected in Austria

A apărut, la Edition Korrespondenzen din Viena, volumul bilingv român-german Und wir werden die Maschinen für uns weinen lassen, în traducerea lui Georg Aescht. Cartea face parte din seria Tradukita poezio, o colecție de poezie din Europa de Sud-Est în care au mai fost publicați câte un poet din Croația, Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia și Albania.
Am făcut o selecție de 60 de poeme din MORE HERE

Oct 1, 2012

Poemul Trafic in imagini

 Poemul Trafic. 31 august 2012. Dianei 4, Bucuresti.

Pregatiri, apa plata, small talk. 

Cristina Budar, Iulia Militaru, Chris Tanasescu, Anca Bucur, Sebastian Reichmann.

Sergiu Nisioi - muzica, sunet.

Chris Tanasescu & Felix Nicolau.

Sosiri, asezari, freamat, prezentari.

Poeme, trafic. 

A movie by Cristina Budar.

Si acompaniator. De clasa, inspirat. 

David Negrescu.

Sep 28, 2012



Casa de Editură Max Blecher anunță apariția
în colecția Opera prima
a volumului de poezie Cârtița de mansardă,
de Teodora Coman
MORE HERE (in Romanian)

Sep 21, 2012


Read this amazing essay by David Baker on "Song of Sanity. Walt Whitman in Washington" in the latest issue of The Virginia Quarterly Review:

Walt Whitman was a poet of hope and encouragement, but his greatest poem is bleak at heart, ripped bloody, and shredded with despair. He was our verbal cheerleader, our avid egoist as well as our most enthusiastic inclusionist:

O to make the most jubilant song!
Full of music—full of manhood, womanhood, infancy!
Full of common employments—full of grain and trees!

O for the voices of animals!
Thus he warbles, making room with his constant, necessary roll-call for us all in “A Song of Joys.” Yet his greatest poem finds him desolate... MORE HERE

Aug 11, 2012

EgoPHobia Anniversay Issue with a MARGENTO Poem

The glorious 35th issue comes among other amazing stuff with an excerpt from the MARGENTO graph-poem collection forthcoming from Casa de Editura Max Blecher - available in Romanian HERE and English HERE

Jul 18, 2012

New Issue of ASYMPTOTE - with a ROMANIAN POETRY Feature

From the Editor's Note
The special feature on Romanian poetry mentioned above offers but a small slice of a rich and diverse culture, ranging from the lyrical mastery of Mircea Ivanescu and Denisa Comănescu to the post-surrealism of Gellu Naum (whose poem appears with a recording by experimental band MARGENTO). This feature also includes poet-theorist Bogdan Ghiu; political critics Ileana Mǎlǎncioiu and Mircea Dinescu, whose writings have previously been banned in Romania; as well as rising stars Radu Vancu, Adina Dabija, and Stefan Bolea.

Jul 12, 2012

Kim Thúy & MARGENTO - A Dialog across Space and Time; Moderated by Maria Balabas

Copyright (c) Fotograf X
 Maria Balabas has interviewed both Kim Thúy (from a small Canadian town, visiting Bucharest) and CT on the phone (in Saigon) on Vietnamese life, culture, and literature in the global age. The "parallel play" resulted in a Radio Romania Cultural show which can be heard on the Intalnirile din biblioteca ta (Encounters in Your Library) blog courtesy of Spandugino Publishers (in Romanian):

Ce și cât știm cu adevărat despre Vietnamul de azi? Întrebarea-nucleu căreia încearcă să-i răspundă Maria Balabaș de-a lungul unui documentar ce face parte dintr-o întreagă serie difuzată la Radio România Cultural sub titlul de Storymania. Documentarul este de fapt un interviu în tandem ce-i are ca protagoniști pe Kim Thúy și CONTINUAREA AICI

Jul 11, 2012


Harold Bloom - several works of whom were masterfully translated into Romanian by Rares Moldovan, Diana Stanciu, or Delia Ungureanu - "this colossus of criticism," turns 82. Let's read again his ever fresh Art of Reading Poetry.

Poetry essentially is figurative language, concentrated so that its form is both expressive and evocative. Figuration is a departure from... MORE HERE

Jul 6, 2012


The tireless Bob Holman and Margery Snyder powerfully state on the National Day: 
What better poet to read on the day we celebrate America’s birthday than “the good grey” Walt Whitman? And which better of his poems to read than... MORE HERE

Jul 3, 2012

Stephen the Great's Day

(July 2nd) An unparalleled champion of the Anti-Ottoman cause and a luminary of Romanian medieval art - the famous monasteries in Northern Moldova/Bucovina still stand proof of the unique style developed more than half a millennium ago under his reign - has been also evoked in contemporary history as a guardian spirit of the territories at a certain moment lost to the Russian Tzars Empire and later on to the Soviets, provinces  meanwhile wandering in a limbo of "independence" or part of other post-Soviet countries that ignore the elemental right to one's language, culture, and education for the Romanian communities there. Here is Eminescu's "Doina" in the original and in the exquisite translation of the much lamented Corneliu M. Popescu who passed away in his teenage but left behind an amazing number of English renditions of Eminescu's poems.

Courtesy of Gabriel Ditu's blog:

From Tisa to the Nistru's tide
All Romania's people cried
That they could no longer stir
For the rabbled foreigner.
From Hotin down to the sea

Rides the Muscal cavalry;
      [note: Muscal is obsolete Romanian for Muskovite, kept as such by Popescu in his translation]
                                more HERE

Jun 17, 2012


The exquisite international poetry review Asymptote has justed included the MARGENTO multimedia opera fragment Hora Asymptotica as a preview of the forthcoming issue; a later on one will also present a new MARGENTO poem-song-action-painting. Watch the Asymptotica on Asymptote HERE

Jun 4, 2012


The latest issue (#34) of EgoPHobia is now available HERE

The excellent E-zine contains, among other wonderful things, a short selection of word-sonnets by outstanding contemporary Canadian poet, author, and professor SEYMOUR MAYNE, for the first time translated into Romanian. The poems accompanied by a brief intro are available both in the original and in translation HERE!!!

May 26, 2012


Those who are familiar with MARGENTO's graph-poem poetics know to what substantial extent community is at the heart of our preoccupations, since to us poetry is community and communities are poetry. Here is some inspirational prose on poetry communities by poet Barbara Jane Reyes as part of the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month curated by Kenji C. Liu on the Best American Poetry website. Reyes's piece also contains a link to her latest contribution to the Poetry Foundation Blog -- led by Ilya Kaminsky -- on communities (part of a wider National Poetry Month literary inquiry also involving other poets on the same and other topics).

When Kenji Liu invited me here to write about APIA poetry communities, I confess, I wanted to rant about the criticisms I have... MORE HERE

May 20, 2012


Kenji C Liu: "Writing without a Center"

I have the pleasure and honor to once again guest curate a week of blog posts here for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (APAHM). Thank you very much to Best American Poetry for offering this space for thinking and writing. I consider myself active in Asian Pacific American (APA) arts and culture, but my allegiance... MORE HERE


John Taylor's article in the Antioch Review is available on the Institut Fondane website HERE !!!

May 8, 2012


 A splendid collection edited by celebrated poet and editor Ed Byrne and including big names such as David Baker, Charles Wright, Stanley Plumly, John Balaban, Billy Collins, Annie Finch, and many many more  HERE !!!

May 2, 2012

Uncollected ROBERT CREELEY May Day Poem on JACKET 2

Read this rare gem from the great late poet on Charles Bernstein's blog

Concerning a news item which reported
convicts breaking their own legs with
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