The poems performed were most of them picked from the ongoing communal
MARGENTO grapHpoem we are working on together with
Iulia Militaru,
Jerome Rothenberg,
David Baker,
Charles Wright,
Ovidiu Nimigean,
GC Waldrep,
Dana Levin,
Martin Woodside,
Felix Nicolau,
Gerður Kristný,
Radu Andriescu,
Page Hill Starzinger,
Radu Vancu, a number of SE Asian poets soon to be presented on this blog, and many more.
Intro @ Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas |
Chris Tanasescu
Tongue Place
Back to the airport? Oh, of course
we got a great deal on this flight (low cost),
and now we’re slowly drifting through the bars
just eying in amazement each displayed price –
so that’s the alphabet that anyone can read...
the new Esperanto? I belieeeeve, the restroom trumpet sounds.
Yeah, yeah, we are by nature conquerors
of airs… – “But will we go gently through the heavens’ customs?
you bantered, even Guillaume le Conquerant
ended up both blistering, coruscant, flowing out of his casket.”
Sure, although we’ll only be taken to the second
heaven, the one where they don’t serve any complimentary food:
and then, all clean on the inside, getting off the flying can-
ton, we’ll fill out the place with our tongue.
Chris Tanasescu
A Madrone in La Jolla
Se me confunden los ojos y las hojas…
amo el mundo del viento y del follaje,
no distingo entre labios y raices.
Pablo Neruda, “Primer viaje”
A poet’s occupation
is to compose poetry
The writing of it
is everywhere
Ed Dorn, “Hello La Jolla”
There is no rain but the breeze that brings the brine
which freshens up my bristle leaves the berries’
glisten slowly pushing the sun into the ocean
through reflection towards refraction -- we breathe in earth
listen! the moon started to rustle under
the wheezing night traffic I’ll soon dissolve
in the descending dark and slowly spread around my own sea
in the moonlight we watch the madrone’s berries quiver:
reddish, yellow – like Russian candies in a Romanian Christmas
tree – candies all turned small monitors, last
Vegas lucky sevens winning paid outs, Paz’s
árbol mental – for man is a tree of images, woodcutter
Cut my shadows from me Why was I born among Lorca’s mirrors?
the night copies me in all its stars. Unforgotten, shadowed
by a one-star Non-com, a deranged Berenger in a beastly play I sing:
There are so many sides to reality Choose the one that’s best / for you… I just can’t get used to life The vast / similitude that hangs us all from this ramose / life tree truly hypnotized by the deep of clear light / makes me so thirsty for some native stories All words / are Indian (says Hugo). Love is Indian
for water, and madness
means, to Redmen, I am going home. Home
I stick my fresh roots in this earth now I touch
the native skulls its ovaries
it makes me bear fruit Mexican berries Euro sy l
l able I stutter: this earth loves it so much she’ll never let me go
the sun moon world will pass
but I will still make love to her and even when I die (O love
solve all) she’ll hold me in digest me slowly
and be forever pregnant